How Important Is Exercise To Children?

Publish Time: 2022-09-20     Origin: Site

For growing children, how to exercise is easily overlooked by many parents. Now parents are busy with work, and how to train their children to exercise is not in the daily scope of their care. Now let’s share the importance of children’s exercise

1. It Can Increase Height And Develop Muscles

Physical exercise can enhance the function of children's various organ systems and make children physically fit. Due to physical exercise, blood circulation is improved, and bone tissue gets more nutrition. At the same time, exercise has a mechanical stimulation effect on bones, so it can promote bone growth and increase the height of children.

2. It Can Promote Cardiopulmonary Function, Accelerate Blood Circulation And Strengthen Metabolism.

In the process of exercise, muscle activity needs to consume a lot of oxygen and expel more carbon dioxide, so the respiratory organs need to work harder. Over time, the range of thoracic activity expands, the lung capacity increases, and the per-minute ventilation in the lungs increases, which strengthens the respiratory organs. It has a good effect on preventing common diseases of the respiratory tract.

3. Can Prevent Disease.

Children do more outdoor activities, receive sunlight, air and water baths, and can gradually withstand the stimulation of changes in the external environment. The mucous membranes of the skin and respiratory tract are constantly exercised, which enhances their tolerance, and the cerebral cortex is also stimulated by cold and heat. Conditioned reflex. When the natural factors change, the child can react quickly and accurately to keep the body in balance with the external environment, so that it is not easy to catch a cold or heat stroke.

4. Promote Intellectual Development.

Various movements in physical exercise are directly controlled and regulated by the nervous system. When a person is active, the nerves in the muscles can transmit various stimulation impulses to the brain, making the brain more sensitive to actions, which is beneficial to the intake of nutrients, promotes the normal growth and development of brain cells, and is very beneficial to intellectual development.

5.Sports Is The Best Prescription For Bodybuilding.

Exercise prevents obesity in children due to overnutrition. Children who often participate in sports have stronger muscles, more flexible joints, straighter backs, flatter lower abdomens, more slender waists, good posture, graceful movement coordination, and more confidence in themselves. The benefits of so many children's sports are listed. As a parent, are you very excited and looking forward to a parent-child activity in the sunshine with your children?

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