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Indoor Kids Zone

Children's Play Area
The indoor children's playground is a place for children to play. It is generally chosen to open in a commercial area. It is relatively easy to get started with operation management and does not involve complex contents such as inventory management.

Indoor Kids Zone

Product Category

Venue Location

Children's parks generally choose to open in several types of business districts (the same brand does not necessarily cover all types of locations, the accuracy and grade of site selection and positioning determine the development strategy and grade positioning of the children's park brand)

1. Plaza or shopping mall

Such venues are of high grade and attract groups with high spending power. Mostly for young parents to bring their children to play.

2. Hypermarkets

This kind of venue has a large number of passengers, and a considerable part of the middle-aged and elderly people (grandparents, etc.) bring children to play.

3. Community, early childhood education center, etc.

In communities near large residential areas, small commercial areas with guaranteed passenger flow are also an option.


1. Not bound by the geographical environment

Even if there is no good outdoor natural environment, as long as there are several hundred square meters indoors, it is enough to open a children's playground.

2. Easy to use

Whether it is windy, snowy or scorching sun, the indoor children's playground can provide children with a comfortable play environment.

3. Community, early childhood education center, etc.

It is relatively easy to get started with operation management and does not involve complex contents such as inventory management.


1. Safe and high-quality play equipment

Safety is the first priority. Only high-quality amusement equipment can ensure the safety of children. At the same time, high-quality amusement equipment is also the guarantee of the vitality of the park. Inexpensive amusement equipment not only increases the maintenance cost of the park, but also makes it difficult to attract new members to join after the amusement equipment is damaged.

2. Novel and beautiful equipment

The bright appearance can immediately attract the attention of children and parents. It would be more popular if the equipment could be newer than those in other local parks. You can also consider regularly introducing some new play equipment to the manufacturer, or exchange and deploy equipment between stores to ensure the novelty of the equipment.

3. Bright and clean environment

Hygiene is the key to a children's playground! No parent wants to put their baby in a dirty playground, no matter how good the equipment is.

4. Thoughtful and cordial service

The amiable salesperson is the vitality of the park. In this era when the customer is God, excellent service can also make you stand out in the children's park industry.

AdvantagePlay Notes

Pay attention to safety before taking children to play. It is necessary to choose a children's play place that is large, has good sanitation conditions, has safe entertainment facilities, and is well-managed; before playing, parents should familiarize themselves with the environment of the play place and pay attention to the play instructions, especially whether there are any restrictions on the terms and conditions. Safety factors, understand the content of warning clauses for using facilities, so as to help children avoid risks when playing. In addition, parents should help their children choose suitable play facilities.
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