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Home Playground

What types of toys are suitable for children?
The enlightenment of preschool children is not to deliberately "teach" anything, but to prepare the soil so that the children have the ability to do what they want to do, to explore the unknown world with curiosity in their hearts, and to solve problems with their minds.

Home Playground

Product Category

Sensory Development Toys

Goals: Stimulate sensory development, cognitive color shapes and early mathematical science enlightenment
The first step of enlightenment is the development of all senses. The senses are the channels for children to receive information. Only when the channels are unblocked can the next step be absorbed. Among the senses, the development of eyes, hands and ears is particularly important. Generally, children before the age of 1 do not need to introduce additional toys that develop their senses separately. They touch the children more, talk and sing with the children more every day, let the children see the faces of their parents, and introduce some toys of different materials and bright colors. enlightened. After the age of 1, you can start to introduce some sensory play games. If you spend money, you can buy plasticine, dynamic sand, etc. There are also many creative ideas that do not cost money, such as playing with water, playing with pasta, etc.
It should be said that all toys require brains, but there is a category of toys that additionally require children to focus on a certain goal to solve a specific problem. The simplest example is when a child wants to stack blocks to form a tower, and wants to stack the rings in order.

These toys often make people wonder, what to buy? Which ones are?

Brain toys are not introduced until the child is 2 or 3 years old. On the contrary, they can be introduced in advance, and each stage will have different ways of playing.
This is also a must-have configuration for every kindergarten, and each classroom will have a corner to provide some role-playing props. Some kindergartens will prepare various professional clothes for children to role-play, and some kindergartens will provide small kitchens and so on.
Children begin their first self-awareness awakening around the age of 1 and begin to recognize "self". This is a very important developmental progress. Only when children know themselves first can they consciously understand the world and have the confidence to explore the world.
Once a child starts to recognize himself, he also starts to recognize what people around him are doing to him. How we treat our children maps to how our children treat and accept the world.
The best exercise for this "mapping" is to start by preparing a doll for the child. In fact, boys can also have dolls, and the ability to love and take care of others is gender-neutral. If the boy's parents really can't accept the doll, you can buy a plush toy. . Teaching your child how to take care of the "other me in the world" is a way to continually reinforce and develop your child's self.
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