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Village Playground

Village Playground is a community outdoor play area, providing a recreational space for children and families.
With a variety of play structures, swings, and slides, it offers fun and interactive opportunities for kids to enjoy outdoor activities. This inclusive and safe environment promotes physical activity, social interaction, and creates lasting memories for the local community.
Village Playground
With the continuous deepening of the urbanization process, the traditional villages are gradually modernized, the communication between neighbors is decreasing, and the natural environment is replaced by the busy urban streetscape. The emotional connection between people is becoming less and less, the environment of traditional games is gradually disappearing, and it is difficult for children to learn social communication through group games. Such a growth environment is regrettable.

With the development of economy and the change of concept, the content and form of rural tourism are also changing constantly. People's needs to return to nature, relax, and experience farming are also increasing, but it is an indisputable fact that the rural development model is single. Blind and over-exploitation has destroyed the rural material and cultural foundation. Therefore, the beautiful countryside is a gathering place with people as the core, and we must adhere to people-oriented and promote construction as a whole.
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Phone:+86 18058318833
Address :No. 55 Chengye Road, Yangwan Ind. Qiaoxia Town, Yongjia County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
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