How To Investing in Open An Indoor Sports Park for Novice?

Publish Time: 2024-06-21     Origin: Site

First of all, what constitutes a sports park?A sports park is a conglomeration of various sports park projects, such as physical trampolines, rock climbing and ninja space, urban basketball, urban football, simulated shooting, simulated golf, baseball, and bowling. Additionally, some adventure experiences like high-altitude expansion, tower jumping, mini bungee jumping, and flying slides form a convergence place for sports, entertainment, and social interaction.

As the "sports economy and sweat economy" progressively become a major selling point of shopping malls, there is no dearth of leisure and entertainment venues in current shopping malls. Parent-child parks, trampoline parks, etc. have nearly become standard fixtures of large shopping malls. The majority of the "parent-child parks", "trampoline halls", "sports parks" and other such projects in the market currently rely solely on equipment suppliers for design and construction, and they fail to stand up to examination in terms of safety and core operating rules, let alone adapting to the needs of the surrounding consumers. Consequently, in the market, there are very few brands that truly attract and enable consumers to make repeat purchases, and can exert an influence in the long-term customer flow and sales within shopping malls. Therefore, for some novice investors or entrepreneurs unfamiliar with the sports park industry, they are at a loss as to where to commence, let alone how to invest in indoor sports parks! Thus, the question arises: What is required to open an indoor sports sports park?

1.Comprehending the Market Situation of Sports Parks

In the investment project industry, the first and indispensable thing is to understand the industry market! If you aim to open an indoor sports hall, you must have a distinct direction. Where do you plan to establish it? Is it in first- and second-tier cities, third- and fourth-tier cities, or townships? Different regions possess different market conditions, and the plans for opening indoor sports parks also vary. For instance, if your intention is to open in first- and second-tier cities, the market is relatively mature and can accommodate a variety of sports park projects of different magnitudes. You can open a large or medium-sized indoor sports park in a shopping mall, or you can establish a small or medium-sized one in the community or around the school; if you wish to open in third- and fourth-tier cities/townships, given the smaller market size and customer volume, you can opt for a small or medium-sized indoor sports park.

2.How to Select a Site for a Sports Park

Site selection is of utmost importance when opening an indoor sports park. A favorable address can bring in more customers and increase revenue. How to choose a location for a sports park? The fundamental principle is to select a location with an adequate customer base, close proximity to target customers, and convenient transportation. The more common options are in the vicinity of shopping malls, supermarkets, gymnasiums, communities, and schools.

3.Suggestions for the Decoration of a Sports Park

Modern society is an era emphasizing appearance. If you desire to attract customers, you must exert efforts in decoration. Children's vision differs from that of adults. They have a preference for brighter colors, so it is necessary to specially plan the venue decoration beforehand.

4.Selection of Amusement Equipment for a Sports Park

What are the equipment options for indoor sports parks and what are their quotations? This is a matter that entrepreneurs are highly concerned about. There are numerous types of indoor sports hall equipment, each with its unique characteristics. The functional modules contained within different equipment are dissimilar. When choosing amusement equipment, it is essential to select high-quality, safe, and guaranteed equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to find a manufacturer with authoritative certification rather than a small workshop. Additionally, the specific choice of which manufacturer and which equipment to select should be determined based on market research. As for the price, the sports park needs to be planned and designed in accordance with factors such as the size of the venue and the requirements of functional projects before the investment cost of the sports park can be accurately calculated. Furthermore, the costs of venue rental, decoration expenses, employee wages, and operation and promotion need to be taken into consideration.

5.How to Operate and Manage a Sports Park

If you aspire to build an indoor sports park that is competitive and profitable, you must perform well in operation and management. The first is the membership card strategy. The membership strategy can enhance consumer stickiness and form consumption habits, enabling the park to achieve long-term profits; the second is to carry out certain publicity and promotion. Not only should the membership card strategy be employed to market to existing customers but also to develop new ones. Appropriate publicity and promotion can attract more new customers. Enhance service quality to attract and retain customers; plan diverse activities to provide players with different entertainment experiences and win the hearts of players.

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