Indoor Playground Park Type

Publish Time: 2022-11-05     Origin: Site

According to market trends, venue space structure, and surrounding data analysis, we help customers to make reasonable functional project combination plans, and provide reasonable moving route planning to improve player experience and bring the operator's business interests.

Venue Type Design

Trampoline Park

The trampoline park is a venue composed of large continuous trampoline surfaces for people to enjoy the fun of jumping. Nowadays, the trampoline park is not only limited to bouncing, but also has more novel functions, such as sponge pools, air cushions, and aerial irrigation. Baskets, ninjas, spinning machines, etc., trampoline parks have gradually become a new place for teenagers and adults to enjoy sports.

Vitality Space

CHOWCHOW takes "vitality" as its gene and proposes a new concept of "vital space". In the vitality space, there are various sports and amusement programs, combined with games and courses, which can fully release the vitality of children. We firmly believe in the concept of "children's vitality comes from play". Sports and amusement projects, combined with games and courses, can fully release children's vitality. We firmly believe in the concept of "children's vitality comes from play".

Magic Space

Magic Space, an indoor park integrating real CS and trampoline park projects. On the basis of trampoline park, Pocket House integrates more modern interactive entertainment equipment, integrates AR immersive experience, CS and other live-action simulation confrontation, kart and other Internet celebrity Douyin popular] entertainment projects, allowing players to be on the scene, more emphasized Collaborative and interactive competitive experience between teams.

Sports Factory

In order to meet the needs of a wider range of sports enthusiasts, CHOWCHOW specially designed and launched the "sports workshop", a venue type that is biased towards sports competition. Here, tourists can fully display their sports talents, experience various exciting projects, and meet their own needs for sports.


In order to meet the needs of tourists and respond to industry trends. CHOWCHOW launches an essential ride in the adventure park - jungle adventure. Use the unique tall trees in tourist attractions to set up obstacle levels with their own merits. Let people get closer to nature while exercising.

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