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Education Play Area

Essential Playground Equipment For KindergartenChildren's Play Area
Outdoor play facilities in kindergartens are basically small unpowered facilities, easy to install, not very large, and easy to maintain.

Education Play Area

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What are the outdoor play equipment for kindergarten?


Slides are children's favorites, and slides are of course indispensable in kindergartens. And there are many benefits for children to play slides often?

The slide is one of the amusement facilities that integrates some comprehensive functional movements such as running, drilling, climbing, climbing, sliding, flipping, and rolling. . It can greatly improve children's balance, independent coordination and creativity, and also help to improve children's self-protection awareness.
Kindergartens are generally centered on slides, surrounded by swings, rocking horses, seesaws, rocking horses, sandpits and other equipment.
Kindergartens generally choose plastic combination slides with beautiful shapes and bright colors. High-end kindergartens will choose huanghuali wood slides or novel stainless steel slides.

Balance Beam

As a facility for young children to develop climbing and climbing abilities, the balance beam is very helpful for cultivating children's bravery and assisting with their peers. Promotes healthy development of the cerebellum. At the same time, it can enhance the child's physical coordination ability and adaptability. A good balance beam must be made of soft plastic and foam to avoid injury to children during exercise.

Outdoor Percussion Instruments

Children's percussion instrument is a project that has only become popular in domestic kindergartens in recent years. Common children's percussion instruments generally include tambourine, round bar, sand hammer, double rattle, castanets, bells, xylophones, aluminum sheets, etc. These outdoor equipment are very beneficial for children's physical exercise.
The kindergarten outdoor play equipment introduced above is the most classic and fun amusement facilities. The kindergarten outdoor play facilities are generally matched in combination. , plum blossom piles, swing bridges, single-plank bridges, rock climbing walls, small mazes, tire climbing, net cages, suspension bridges, Z-shaped bridges, trampolines, merry-go-rounds, creative micro-terrain combination projects, sand and water equipment, physical training combination projects, etc. When purchasing equipment for kindergartens, you can choose according to the actual situation of your kindergarten.
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