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How Do You Make Outdoor Play Safe for Preschoolers

Author: Amy Xu     Publish Time: 2024-04-10      Origin: Site


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Children have an innate love for play, and games are an excellent way to indulge them. Outdoor play not only satisfy children's desire to play but also enable them to connect with nature, offering a two-pronged benefit. However, for kindergartens, outdoor play sessions present numerous safety hazards. Therefore, what measures should kindergartens adopt to ensure children's safety while facilitating ample outdoor playtime each day?

daycare outdoor playground equipment

1.guarantee the event venue's safety

Many times children collide during activities as the venue is too small, or teachers fail to arrange positions, leading to safety accidents. However, such events are avoidable through careful management of the event venue by teachers.

Firstly, teachers should determine the venue required for the activity before the event. Secondly, all obstacles in the venue must be removed beforehand to ensure its safety. Teachers should frequently remind children to maintain a safe distance from each other during activities.

Regarding outdoor play, a grassy field with ample sunlight is preferable. However, the grass should not be excessively thick or soft as this can hinder the development of children's motor skills. For instance, running on such grass may cause children in small classes to fall easily and be unable to run quickly.

2.Inspect and maintain

Regular inspection and maintenance of outdoor playground equipment in kindergartens is vital for ensuring safety. The slide's slope must be appropriate, with smoothed edges, a landing site paved with mats or sand pits to minimize impact, and a low center of gravity when manufacturing rocking chairs and rowing boats.

Notably, the seesaw, must have sloped or rounded sides on the back to avoid children getting scratches on their heels when playing. Teachers must diligently check the safety of equipment before activities and prevent unsafe situations caused by improper use by young children.

3.Enhance children's self-protection awareness

Self-protection awareness and methods constitute the crux of security measures and it is especially critical during outdoor sports activities. Educators must employ various channels and methods to impart self-protection knowledge and skills to children consistently over an extended period.

Targeted self-protection methods can be provided during various activities, such as teaching children to use their hands to support their body weight when they accidentally fall. Walking on stilts requires children to shift their center of gravity promptly. When dodging thrown objects, they should protect their heads with their hands, etc.

Furthermore, during outdoor activities, reasonable guidelines and requirements should be established, and children should gradually develop habits of adhering to them, eliminating unsafe and irrational behaviors.

preschool outdoor playground

4.Pay attention to the attire of children during activities

Children's motor functions and coordination are still developing, making it crucial to ensure they wear appropriate attire during activities. Wearing suitable sneakers or sports shoes is recommended, and one must ensure shoelaces are tightly tied.

Young children tend to sweat excessively; hence, it is advisable to remove any outerwear beforehand and put it back on during rest periods to avoid catching a cold. Close-fitting clothing made of absorbent cotton is best to handle sweat in a timely manner. Tight and breathable attire will limit children's muscle movements, leading to strain and skin irritation.

Teachers must examine children's pockets before activities, remove dangerous items, and keep them secure to avoid accidents. Children occasionally hide knives and glass in pockets, requiring additional vigilance.

Furthermore, reasonable content with appropriate intensity and independent skills must be arranged for sports activities to prevent confusion among children while mastering the exercises, leading to incorrect actions or accidents.

outdoor playground for kids

5.Enhance children's safety awareness

Forming children's safety awareness during outdoor activities requires a long-term process of education. It is necessary to educate children about what can be done and what is deemed dangerous during outdoor activities.

Firstly, incorporate outdoor safety knowledge into daily activities in all aspects, reminding children to walk on the right side of the stairs and avoid pushing. Using gestures and providing positive education during regular activities can help children become familiar with safety measures.

Secondly, telling children safety accident stories and encouraging them to judge and speculate on the situations is also helpful. This can help them know what to do when faced with such incidents.

During activities, it is vital to pay attention to the development of children's awareness of rules, cultivating good habit of obeying rules to avoid chaos, strengthen compliance with activity routines, concluding with feedback to explain their importance. Finally, child-friendly education should be ingrained so that children learn to help and share with each other.

outdoor playground equipment for toddlers

6.Enhance kindergarten teachers' safety skills

Knowing how to handle accidents during sports and minimize harm is crucial. Therefore, kindergarten teachers must regularly enrich and consolidate their safety skills. To deal with accidents, teachers must learn countermeasures for falls, fractures, dislocations, and sprains.

Outdoor play help enhance children's physical fitness and promote health, but they also pose a higher risk of safety issues. Only by being rigorous, practical, and attentive to potential accidents' hidden dangers can teachers nip them in the bud.

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